Far Cry 6

Versions and compatibility

Latest version v1.0.5
Released on 16-dec-2022
Compatible with Far Cry 6 v1.6.0+, UPlay / UPlay+
Hotsampling via Running the game in windowed mode
Supports IGCS Connector No
Download latest version Post on patreon

Features at a glance

The photomode mod for Far Cry 6 offers the following features:

  • Full, unlimited camera control (gameplay, cutscenes, photomode)
    • Controller or mouse/keyboard control over the camera
    • Field of view (FoV) control
    • Tilt
  • Game pause / framestep / Gamespeed control
  • Camera paths
  • HUD toggle
  • Time of Day control
  • Hotsampling (resize the game window to any resolution)
  • Cutscene DOF removal
  • Pillarbox/letterbox removal in custom aspect ratios
  • Circular blur / chromatic abberation removal
  • Photomode range / clip check removal

How to use

Please see for details how to get started and configure this photomode mod, General features and configuration. This guide will provide additional information for the controls / features specific for this photomode mod.


If you don't see the FarCry6.exe process in the Process to inject to textbox, please click the Select button to select it manually. This might be the case if you're using the UPlay+ version. Additionally, if you're using the normal UPlay version but you're running the game as Administrator, and the IGCSClient.exe does not, it can't see the FarCry6.exe process. In that case, restart the IGCSClient.exe as Administrator.

Environment Adjustments

The Environment Adjustments tab is the tab where you can adjust various aspects of the game world. For Far Cry 6 it allows you to control the following:

Time of day
Time of day controls the current world time in a 24 hour clock. When the game is paused and you move the time of day, you will see the sun move and the light change. You can also change the time of day with the keyboard (see Keybindings) which might be easier than flipping back/forth to the client to get the right sun position.
Game speed
This controls how fast the runs internally; a value of 1.0 is 'normal game speed' and a value of 0.0 is total pause. Use this to create slow-motion effects which help you pause the game at the right moment. Setting this to 0.0 won't completely pause the game engine as it enforces a minimum speed. To pause the game completely use the normal pause via Numpad 0.
Disable DoF when camera is active
This setting disables the Depth of Field when the camera is active, in cutscenes and normal gameplay (far way haze). The photomode Depth of Field is applied on top of this and isn't disabled by this setting, but you can disable that in the photomode settings.

Information recorded with camera path nodes

When you create a Camera path, each node records the camera location, orientation and field of view. Additionally to that for this game the camera node will also contain the current time of day. So if you want to have different time of day values per node, you can, just set the value you want in the client on the Environment Adjustments tab and create a camera path node.


The default photomode mod controls are listed below. It depends on the Camera control device setting on the Configuration tab whether the device (e.g. mouse or gamepad) can control the camera.


When moving the mouse:

  • No mouse buttons pressed: rotate the camera
  • Left button pressed: move camera up / down / left / right
  • Right button pressed: move camera forward / backward / left / right
  • Both left and right button pressed: tilt camera left / right
  • Mousewheel: increase / decrease Field of View (FoV)


Normal camera usage

Key Feature
Insert Enable / Disable the camera
Numpad . Block / Unblock input to game
Numpad - Decrease FoV
Numpad + Increase FoV
Numpad * Reset FoV
Home Lock / Unlock camera movement
Numpad 4 Move camera left (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Numpad 6 Move camera right (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Numpad 8 Move camera forward (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Numpad 5 Move camera backward (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Numpad 7 Move camera up (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Numpad 9 Move camera down (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Numpad 4 Move camera left (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Arrow key Up Rotate camera up (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Arrow key Down Rotate camera down (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Arrow key Left Rotate camera left (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Arrow key Right Rotate camera right (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: faster)
Numpad 0 Pause / Unpause the game
Page down Skip a few frames when paused
Numpad 1 Tilt camera left (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: tilt 90 degrees left)
Numpad 3 Tilt camera right (+ Ctrl: slower, + Alt: tilt 90 degrees right)
Numpad 2 Reset tilt
Delete Toggle HUD
, Set Time of Day earlier (+ Alt: slower) 1
. Set time of Day later (+ Alt: slower)

Camera path usage

Key Feature
F7 Start / pause playback
F8 Stop playback
F4 Add path
F10 Add node to active path
Ctrl+F10 Replace the active node on the active path
Alt+F10 Insert a new node in front of the active node on the active path
Ctrl+Home Go to start of active path
Ctrl+End Go to end of active path
Ctrl+Page Up Go to previous node on active path
Ctrl+Page Down Go to next node on active path
Numpad 1 Select the first path during playback (if any)
Numpad 2 Select the second path during playback (if any)
Numpad 3 Select the third path during playback (if any)
Numpad 4 Select the forth path during playback (if any)
Numpad 5 Select the firth path during playback (if any)
Numpad 6 Select the sixth path during playback (if any)
Numpad 7 Select the seventh path during playback (if any)
Numpad 8 Select the eighth path during playback (if any)
Numpad 9 Select the ninth path during playback (if any)


Normal camera usage

Control Feature
Left stick Move camera forward / backward / left / right
Right stick Rotate camera
Left trigger Move camera up
Right trigger Move camera down
Y button + left / right stick Faster movement / rotation
X button + left / right stick Slower movement / rotation
D-pad up / down Increase / decrease FoV
B button Reset FoV

Camera path usage

Control Feature
Start Start / pause playback
Back Stop playback
Left bumber Go to previous node on active path
Right bumper Go to next node on active path
A Add node to active path

  1. Some photomode mods don't offer Time of Day control, e.g. because the game doesn't offer this feature. In these cases these controls aren't available.